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KONZERT: Fernando Paiva Group

20.02.2004, 20:00

A world music experience.
Sabri Tulug Tirpan (Turkei) - Piano. Ivan Ruiz Machado (Cuba) - Bass. Gerri Schuler Österreich) -Keyboard. Fernando Paiva (Brasilien) - Gesang, Drums, Percussion.
Fernando Paiva trägt die verschiedenartigen Musikrichtungen Brasiliens in sich. Er erforscht ihre indianischen Wurzeln, studiert den Einfluß von afrikanischen Stilrichtungen und kennt die Klassiker des brazilian jazz.

Brazilian music has its source in the interaction between the indigenous population, Europeans and Africans. 'It is a soundtrack to life, a constant ambiance of rhythm and melody that enriches and
supports the people through good times and bad.'
(Putomayo, Brasileiro)

Fernando Paiva, drummer and percussionist from Porto Alegre (Southern Brazil) carries this diverse brazilian soundtrack in himself. He researches the indian roots, studies the influence of african motives and knows the classics of brazilian jazz.

In 'The Art of Brazilian Music' this cosmos of brazilian feeling for life meets with perfect matched partners, all masters of their instruments and an ideal formation to interprete and enlarge these crossings. Their different backgrounds and concepts are held together through the unique rhytmical and melodic ualities of the brazilian repertoire.

As a result the group has developed its unmistakably own style. In the programme, there are interpretations of works of famous brazilian composers, such as Egberto Gismonti, Hermeto Pascoal as well as own compositions.

The concert: A compact load full of packing rhythm, spiritual energy and passion. An interplay between pop, world music, jazz and classic.

The Art of Brazilian Music - transcontinental brazilian music in the beginning of this millenium.

UKB: 12.- Euro
location / organization
Siebensterng. 31
1070 Wien

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