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KINOKI: Von Seattle nach Prag

13.09.2000, 20:00


Breaking the Bank: A Challenge to the IMF & World Bank.
Video, USA 2000, engl. OV, 74 Min.

After the Seattle victory that stopped the World Trade Organization in its 'fast' tracks, tens of thousands converged to challenge the International Monetary Fund and World Bank at their April 2000 meeting in Washington D.C. Once again, videomakers from then Independent Media Center were on the spot to provide the non-corporate coverage you just won't find anywhere else. 'Breaking the Bank' provides informative background segments on the history and impact of the IMF and World Bank. The program features extensive coverage of the events in Washington, the street blockade tactics, the police repression, the rallies and the celebration of so many people coming together united in a common cause.
Breaking the bank features material from the two half-hour television programs (originally satellitecast April 21st 2000) plus additional segments. This extended 74 minute version of this program is available for home distribution from the participating producer groups listed on the order form). Distribution version: 74 minutes, VHS, NTSC or PAL ($15/25 donation plus $3 shipping) Broadcast version: two 28 minute programs (public access distribution only)

'Breaking the Bank' was produced for the Independent Media Center and Deep Dish Satellite TV and Free Speech TV by Big Noise Productions, Changing America, Downtown Community TV, Headwaters Action Video Collective, Paper Tiger TV, Sleeping Giant Productions, VideoActive and Whispered Media, and dozens more video activists working in collaboration with the Independent Media Center-DC to bring the messages of A-16 to the rest of the world.

Showdown in Seattle: Five Days that shook the WTO
USA 1999, 150 Min., englOV., Video, Produktion: Independent Media Center and Big Noise Productions, Changing America, Headwaters Action Video Collective, Paper Tiger TV, VideoActive and Whispered Media.
Der Film besteht aus fünf Features über Globalisierung und den Widerstand gegen den WTO-Gipfel in Seattle. In einer Unzahl von Interviews wird das Zusammengehen von US-amerikanischer ArbeiterInnen- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung mit Umwelt-, Bürgerrechts- und Entwicklungspolitschen NGOs gezeigt. Das gesamte Video-Material ist auch im World Wide Web zu sehen: Sites wie Free Speech Internet Television ( oder Paper Tiger TV ( haben die Bilder fast in Echtzeit ins Netz eingespeist - bzw. 'gestreamt'. In Verbindung mit alternativen Satelliten-Kanälen wie Deep Dish TV ( verfügt die US-amerikanische 'Graswurzel-Bewegung' über beispielhafte Gegeninformationsmedien. Der kollaborativ hergestellte Film zeigt die Ereignisse aus der Perspektive der Protestbewegung und demonstriert gleichzeitig, wie die Mainstream-Medien die Ereignisse auf die spektakuläre Oberfläche reduzierten.

UKB 50,-

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Siebensterng. 31
1070 Wien

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